Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.
At Forté, we are passionate about the environment and all that it provides for us. In a world where deforestation is a real threat, we realise the importance of environmental responsibility. Below are some of the environmental changes we are making, together with some of the initiatives that we have chosen to put in place.

Our Commitment
The vast majority of our timber flooring and other products available are an engineered type construction. Engineered timber uses approximately one third of the amount of slow-growing hardwood resource compared to solid timber of the same dimensions.
By supplying engineered timber products instead of solid timber, we are helping to minimise the amount of slow-growing natural hardwood timber needed to be harvested to make these products each year. There are many other advantages to engineered timber over solid.
Tree Nation Members
The majority of our products use Oak sourced from European and French forests. Although these forests are ethically maintained, it is important for us to give back to the environment - so we have committed ourselves to replant what we use.
By the end of 2023 we hope to have planted over 2000 new trees offsetting 30,000 kg of Co2.
Some of the benefits of replanting include: reducing climate change, restoring degraded forests, offsetting carbon emissions, creating fresh air, aiding in the prevention of flora and fauna extinction and creating employment.